Experimental Documentary (Feature) - Work in Progress since 2019

After the 2015 terrorist attack in the Roman Hall of Carthage inside the Bardo Museum, the roman gods’ sculptures memories come to life, to tell us about their experience of existence. Perhaps in doing so, they might tear off the veil of dust that clouds our memories. It is a journey through the stones’ history, and a different approach to visualize the marble under another light, to inspect its journey and path overtime.

أولاً لنتفق أن للحجر لغة
لغة الحجر لا تقرأ بل تستشعر بأطراف الأصابع

Postulate I :
Stones have their own language.
The stones’ language is not read with the eyes; It is felt through the fingertips.

​ثانياً لنتفق أن للحجر صيرورة
من الأحجار ما يصلح لإيواء البشر
ومن الأحجار ما يصلح لإيواء الآلهة
لكل حجر مصيره

Postulate II:
Stones have their own fate,
Some stones could house humans. Other stones could harbour gods. Each stone has its own destiny.

ثالثاً لنتفق أن للحجر ذاكرة
عندما تكون هذا الخط على سطح هذه الصخرة
نزلت و إخوتي على الأرض
ذاكرة الحجر عابرة للزمن

​Postulate III
Stones have their own memory.
“When this line was formed on the surface of this rock, My brothers and I landed on earth.”
The stones’ memory is timeless.

Pictures by Intissar Belaid, 2016